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Safety at Work

Health and Safety Plans

The general principles of health and safety at work regulation and the improvement of the work conditions carried out at temporary or mobile construction sites, is dealt in Decree of law nº 273/2003 of October 29, making the regulatory review of the health and safety conditions at work at temporary or mobile construction sites, listed in the previous Decree of law nº 155/95 of July 1, continuing to ensure the transposition to national law of Directive nº 92/57/EEC of June 24, also concerning the minimum health and safety conditions at work to be applied on temporary or mobile construction sites.

This diploma refers the Health and Safety Plan as one of the fundamental instruments at the disposal of the security coordination system, of planning and organisation of safety at work at temporary or mobile construction sites. The goal of the H&S Plan is the planning of occupational risk prevention, starting from the characterization of the work and verifying the organization and scheduling of the work sites.

Health and Safety Plan aims to ensure that are carried out occupational risks assessments concerning to working operations carried out, and the resulting prevention safety measures that are integrated in work processes to ensure an effective risk control, thereby minimizing the likelihood of accidents at work.

The coordination of safety at work aims to monitor the activity to ensure the strictly compliance with the approved H&S Plan. Matriz de Risco has an extensive curriculum in the development Health and Safety Plans at work, and in coordination of work sites with experienced technicians for special risks activities, supported by safety studies specifically fitted to the needs of the site owner.

Rua Dr. António Elvas, 24 B – loja 11 Laranjeiro
2810-164 Almada - PORTUGAL
P.: (+351) 212 590 244    M.: (+351) 963 006 696