Industrial Safety:
Major industrial accidents involving dangerous chemicals pose a significant threat to humans and the environment. Furthermore such accidents cause huge economic losses and disrupt sustainable growth. However, the use of large amounts of dangerous chemicals is unavoidable in some industry sectors which are vital for a modern industrialised society. To minimise the associated risks, measures are necessary to prevent major accidents and to ensure appropriate preparedness and response should such accidents nevertheless happen.
European Parliament and the Council Directive 2012/18/UE of from July 4, repealing Council Directive 2003/105/EC, on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances and the limitation of their consequences for man and environment, was transposed to national law in August 5, by the Decree of law 150/2015.
Among the required provisions that the involved establishments are required, were included the Notification, the Environment Compatibility Location and the Safety Reports, all documents that Matriz de Risco is able to produce/update.
These documents must include risk assessment studies, using recognized methodologies, modelling of accidents scenarios involving dangerous substances, with assessment of the respective consequences, implementation of a Major Accident Prevention Policy, development and implementation of Safety Management Systems and the preparation of Emergency Plans and their respective evaluation through emergency scenarios exercises and drills.
The responsibility of developing the External Emergency Plans is assigned to the municipalities and these could be applied to a single establishment or to a group of establishments. Matriz de Risco is able to provide to its client’s services of compliance to the Directive requirements and prepare/update all the documentation required for submission to the Portuguese Environmental Agency and for and Civil Protection national authority.
Rua Dr. António Elvas, 24 B – loja 11 Laranjeiro
2810-164 Almada - PORTUGAL
P.: (+351) 212 590 244 M.: (+351) 963 006 696