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Industrial Safety

Emergency Operations Plans (EOP)

The elected and appointed leaders in each organization are responsible for ensuring that necessary and appropriate actions are taken to protect people, environment and property from any threat or hazard. When threatened by any hazard, employees and citizens expect elected or appointed leaders to take immediate action to help them resolve the problem.

The community expects the government or organizations’ management to marshal its resources, channel the efforts of the whole community—including voluntary organizations and the private sector—and, if necessary, solicit assistance from outside the jurisdiction. The results of this planning and preparation processes are embodied in a document usually designed as Emergency Operational Plan.

The establishment’s operators are responsible for developing and implementing Internal Emergency Plans and the Civil Protection National Authority by External Emergency Plans.

Emergency plans can be described as a systematization of a set of rules and procedures, aimed to control the emergency situation in the begging and limit its consequences for people, infrastructure, environment and ensuring business continuity, establishing priorities rules, and procedures for a god management of the existing resources.

Emergency plans also include important information that should be considered in their preparation, for example the emergency communications.

Matriz de Risco has experience from the development of several hundreds of emergency plans for all types of organizations, including industrial installations, public or private.

Rua Dr. António Elvas, 24 B – loja 11 Laranjeiro
2810-164 Almada - PORTUGAL
P.: (+351) 212 590 244    M.: (+351) 963 006 696