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Safety at Work

Explosive Atmospheres Studies (ATEX)

Decree-law 236/2003 from September 30, transposes to national law the Directive 1999/92/EC from December 16, concerning to minimum requirements designed to encourage improvements in the health and safety protection of workers that may be affected by the risks exposure of explosive atmospheres in the workplace.

This regulation, known as the Explosive Atmospheres Directive (ATEX), shall be applicable to the public administration, regional and local administration, public institutes and other collective persons of public Administration, and all branches of private sector activity, cooperative and social, as well as the self-employed, with respect to susceptible jobs that expose workers to explosive atmospheres risk.

These protective measures are very important taking into account that explosions may release fire heat radiation and pressure waves, associated with the presence of noxious reaction products and consumption of oxygen that pose very serious risks to life, physical integrity and health of workers.

In accordance to the law the employer shall:

  • Conduct an explosion risk assessment;
  • Implement the adequate measures for the prevention and protection of workers against explosions.

If there are areas where explosive atmospheres may occur, the employer must also:

  • Identify and classify the areas where explosive atmospheres may occur in one of the three risk zones prescribed in the directive;
  • Ensure that the minimum safety requirements are applied;
  • Places where explosive atmospheres may occur, in such quantities as to endanger the health and safety of workers, shall be marked with signs at their entry points.

Employer must compile, update and disseminate the set of preventive measures through an Explosion Protection Manual that identify danger situations, evaluate the corresponding risks and indicate specific prevention measures to be taken to protect the safety and health of workers.

Matriz de Risco technicians have an extensive curriculum in the development of Explosion Protection Manuals and support clients in the explosive atmospheres risks with specific methodologies adapted to the risk of explosion in the workplace.

Rua Dr. António Elvas, 24 B – loja 11 Laranjeiro
2810-164 Almada - PORTUGAL
P.: (+351) 212 590 244    M.: (+351) 963 006 696