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Environment Compatibility Location

The Environment Compatibility Location is a preliminary assessment procedure in installation of new establishments covered by the Seveso III Directive, and also to major changes made in existing establishments. When the establishment does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment the licensing or authorization procedure to initiate the activity or continue operating after major alteration of the covered establishment, can only be done after the decision of APA about the correct compatibility of location.

The operator shall submit the request form to APA (Portuguese Environmental Protection Agency) decision, through a specific form of Environment Compatibility Location that contains the type of information that must be included, as well as a number of information to further treatment.

Among the elements that must be included in this form, are major accident scenarios involving hazardous substances that must be modelled using specific computer applications in order to represent their effects and their consequences for the environmental.

Matriz de Risco has software licenses of two of these computer applications essentials to the preparation of risk assessment studies.

Rua Dr. António Elvas, 24 B – loja 11 Laranjeiro
2810-164 Almada - PORTUGAL
P.: (+351) 212 590 244    M.: (+351) 963 006 696